Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Midsummer Month: A Celebration of June


I have decided that June is my favourite month of the year.

What's not to love?

June is part spring and part summer. The days are long and warm. The nights are mostly cool and comfortable. No need for a furnace or an air conditioner.

Midsummer takes place in June. It is celebrated around the world and has been for thousands of years. Traditionally, it falls on or near the summer solstice. 

Bonfires are a common way to celebrate Midsummer. Everything from running naked through the streets to throwing wreaths of flowers into rivers, lakes and streams are part of the festivities worldwide.

In Canada, National Indigenous People's Day is celebrated at Midsummer. June 21st has been designated as a day to recognize and celebrate the culture and heritage of the First Nations, Inuit and Métis people.

I've never celebrated Midsummer, but now that June is my favourite month I'm thinking that I should celebrate this special time of the year.

My celebration would definitely involve strawberries and rhubarb...sounds like pie will be on the menu. Can't do a bonfire in my backyard, but a floral candle ring wreath would give a nod to two traditional Midsummer traditions. I could round out my celebration with some indigenous music. It sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate my most wonderful time of the year!

June is drawing to a close. I'd better get busy!

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