Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Christmas Cookie Chronicle

Sarah cutting out sugar cookies
When I was young, Christmas cookies were a big part of Christmas preparations and celebrations. There were plates of amazing and delicious tidbits served up for occasions big and small, right up to and including New Year’s Day. In between official offerings, my sister and I would snack on Snowballs or Cherry Surprises right out of the freezer.

Christmas cookies have been around since Medieval times in Europe. Biscuit style cookies were popular in the 16th century and the Dutch introduced Christmas cookies to North America in the early 17th century. My mother knew none of this. She didn’t need to because she was the Christmas Cookie Queen and a queen doesn’t need to be bothered with such details.

Even after I was married and had a family of my own, my mother continued for several years to present both my sister and I with a large Christmas themed glass plate filled with her wonderful cookies. Any leftovers went directly into the freezer for, well, you know...

As an adult, my contribution to the family Christmas cookie tradition was gingerbread cookies. I only ever made gingerbread men. I had a cookie cutter that was perfect for making gingerbread men for tree decorations. I also had a mini gingerbread man cookie cutter. These little guys were perfect for snacking, a handful at a time.

Time marches on and things change. My mother hasn’t made Christmas cookies in years, but nevertheless the Christmas Cookie Chonicle continues. I still make gingerbread, but now my daughter helps me. I’ve expanded my Christmas baking to include sugar cookies and some very tasty cookie recipes that involve coconut, chocolate chips, cherries and other yummy ingredients.

Cherry Surprises
This year my daughter and I planned a weekend for Christmas cookie baking. It required some co-ordination as she lives out-of-town. I had decided that we would try one of my mother’s recipes. Cherry Surprises were the selection, partly because I knew that they would freeze well...

The cookie making got off to a bad start. I tried to half the gingerbread recipe. It came out all crumbly and would not roll out. Either my math was off, or the half an egg messed it up. I'm blaming it on the egg. Next, came the Cherry Surprises and then the sugar cookies. Both turned out really well. Day One ended with me completely exhausted and in bed early.

Day Two started early. The gingerbread dough had been in the refrigerator over night. When I took it out, I was a bit concerned because the top was quite dry. I'd forgotten to cover it... Anyway, warm hands, and a warm & wishing heart, got the dough ready to roll and it worked out perfectly. The assorted gingerbread shapes were all very tasty. As it turns out, they taste the same regardless of the maybe knew that already. We were very pleased with the new gingerbread ornament we created using the new snowflake cookie cutters.

So even though time marches on, some things don't change. I have frozen Christmas cookies in the freezer to snack on, and I have lots of gingerbread to munch on between raids on the freezer. Some things do change, though. My daughter and I took cookies to my Mom this year. She was thrilled. The Christmas Cookie Chronicle continues.

Cherry Surprises recipe here: Cherry Surprises

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Sugar Cookies