Thursday, December 21, 2017

Love & Joy: A Reflection on Christmas

Wassailing is an old English tradition that involves singing and drinking hot, mulled cider from a wassail bowl. The mulling spices usually consist of cinnamon, allspice, cloves, nutmeg and dried fruits, such as, oranges, raisins or apples. Many years ago, I decided that we should have wassail on Christmas Eve. It's been a Christmas tradition ever since. As I think about drinking my wassail once again, I also think about how traditions transition. Nothing ever seems to stay the same, including Christmas.

Christmas, for me, has always been about spending time with family. As a child, that meant grandparents and sometimes aunts, uncles and cousins. It also meant lots of food and fun. As my siblings and I got older, as family members passed and as a new generation was welcomed, the size of the celebration changed from year to year, but there was still always lots of food and fun.

I am thankful that I have always had some family around at Christmas. I am mindful that not everyone shares my experience, whether by choice or by chance. Christmas is a difficult time for many people. Some families are divided by distance and some families are distanced from each other. Some people are simply unable to participate in Christmas celebrations because of anxiety, depression or other mental health reasons.

Many people opt out of Christmas. It's just another day. For some, Christmas is simply not part of their cultural tradition. For others, opting out is what happens when they have no opportunities or are unable or unwilling to participate in the opportunities that they have. Celebrating Christmas is a personal decision, but for some people the decision is made for them.

As you prepare to celebrate Christmas with family and friends, be mindful of those in your own circle who may not be joining you. A kind word or deed is never out of place, and may help to make their Christmas worth celebrating on their own terms. Share some love and joy.

This year, our Christmas celebrations will be different. We will still enjoy some of our old traditions, but we will have the chance to create new traditions, as well. In recognition of change, I'm trying a new wassail recipe this year. On Christmas Eve, as I raise my cup of wassail, I will wish that "Love and joy come to you, And to you your wassail too, And God bless you and send you a happy new year". Merry Christmas, one and all.

Wassail recipe here: Wassail

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