Monday, January 14, 2019


“Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind...,” Elvis Presley.

This is my second Six for Six blog post. Six songs. Six months.  

Gather and make memories. The intent of this priority was to spend some time getting caught up on my scrapbooking. I’ve always considered the making of memories more important than the preservation of them, but I have to admit that I do love looking back through old photo albums and scrapbooks.

My daughter and I started scrapbooking long before it was popular, but it was my sister that got us both into it in a really big way. She managed an independent scrapbooking store and got us into teaching classes and working part time. It was a really fun job that provided the opportunity to meet some really great people. There were lots of good memories created and preserved in that little store. 

Now that the store has closed, I’m not as inclined to sit down and work on my scrapbooking. I have several projects almost finished and several not even started. I want those memories preserved for me and for my daughter. My goal is to finish two trip albums this winter. 

At the same time, I want to make memories. 

Making memories can happen in lots of ways in lots of places. Making memories is holding on to special people and special times in your heart and in your head.

Making memories is not just about trips and events. It’s about enjoying and appreciating the moment and the people who share that moment with you.

It’s about...
“Laughing eyes and simple ways,
Quiet nights and gentle days.”

Make memories.
“Memories, memories, sweet memories.”

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