Saturday, January 12, 2019

Maybe It’s Not About You

We all have egocentric tendencies. As adults, most of us understand that we are not the centre of the universe. That does not, however, stop us from sometimes behaving as if we are.

Have you ever lost touch with a friend? It happens. People grow apart. People move. People change. Sometimes moving on is a good thing.

But one day you realize that you haven’t seen or talked to a friend with whom you once had regular contact. You wonder what’s going on. Is s/he upset with you? Has s/he moved on and left you behind? Has s/he found new friends or interests? Is s/he just too busy for you anymore?

Well, maybe it’s not about you.

Maybe s/he can’t get out of bed in the morning because s/he couldn’t sleep last night.

Maybe s/he can’t get out of the house because the world just seems too big.

Maybe s/he can't get out of bed because s/he can't face another day of uncertainty.

Maybe s/he can only focus on what is right in front of her/him and making plans is just too overwhelming.

Maybe s/he thinks that you will judge her/him.

Maybe s/he is feeling angry and frustrated and scared because s/he can’t do the things s/he once did with ease.

Maybe s/he has lost interest in the things that s/he once enjoyed.

Maybe s/he's feeling restless and irritable and doesn't consider her/himself good company.

Maybe s/he is feeling worthless and not of value to you anymore.

Maybe s/he doesn't feel well.

Maybe s/he’s experiencing depression.

Maybe, it's not about you.

If you have a friend whom you think may be experiencing depression, reach out. Be gentle. Don't expect her/him to respond to a big gesture. Try something that doesn't necessarily require a response, like a card. And don't give up.'s not about you.

Check out the Depression Hurts website for information about depression and how you can help a friend (see "Information for Family & Friends" tab).

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