Friday, November 30, 2018

“You’ve Got a Friend”

Although the song was written by Carol King, James Taylor’s rendition is my favourite version. “Winter, spring, summer or fall, All you have to do is call.” I hope that I am that kind of friend.

This is my first Six for Six blog post. Six songs. Six months.

When I first started exploring ideas for what I refer to as my “Blogging Season”, I jotted down a list of thoughts that were more like personal priorities for the next six months as opposed to topics. One thing led to another, as often happens with brainstorming, and before long I had come up with six songs that reflected my six priorities.

At the top of my list was “Focus on Family and Friends.” It’s easy to get caught up in the daily whirlwind of existence. Reorienting towards the people in your life is always a good call.

Research, and experience, tell us that having friends is good for you both socially, emotionally and psychologically. Dunbar’s research at the University of Oxford suggests that we need between three to five good friends. This can include spouses and family. These friends are real people with whom you laugh and cry. They are people with whom you share a meal or a hug. They are a tangible part of your life.

According to data collected in the U.S. General Social Survey, the number of people who report having no close friends has increased dramatically over the past few decades. It seems that as we have become more “connected”, we are losing our connection with people. The people who can enrich our lives. The people who can make us better people. The people we can call friends.

If we make family and friends a high priority in our lives, we are better for it. We will be healthier and happier. We are reminded, however, by Ralph Waldo Emerson that “the only way to have a friend is to be one.” It’s not just about us. It’s not just about me. It’s about my three to five people.

“Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there...
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
...I’ll be there.
You’ve got a friend.”

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