Thursday, November 22, 2018

Lemon Tree: Believe. Hope. Drink Lemonade.

Winter has not yet officially begun. As I look out the window at the snow, however, I am experiencing garden withdrawal. After considering a variety of indoor gardening projects that require more space than I have available, I have settled on a project. I am going to plant lemon seeds and grow a lemon tree.

They say that gardening is a way of showing that you believe in tomorrow. Well, from what I’ve been reading about lemon trees, it would appear that I will need a lot of tomorrows before I can make lemonade.

Apparently, lemon seeds germinate within a few weeks. That will mean sprouts before Christmas. That’s exciting! Lemons, however, could be several years down the road. I believe in tomorrow.

There are lots of things that you can grow indoors, but right now one lemon and one small pot of soil seem to be just the thing to ward off garden withdrawal. It really does seem like a hopeful project and hope is good.

Believe. Hope. Drink lemonade.

Sounds perfect. Why not give it a try?

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