Saturday, November 10, 2018

Six for Six

Welcome to November...the beginning of another blog season for Cupola Corner. I hope that you will join me each week over the next six months as we explore a variety of Hearth, Home & Handmade topics.

This year, one of the ongoing themes here on the Cupola Corner blog will be Six for Six...six songs for six months. Each song represents a focus that will be examined in each of the upcoming months. The songs were chosen to be a springboard for both research and personal reflection, as opposed to songs that would tell the story. I think that you may be surprised where they will take us.

Here are my Six for Six:

1. “You’ve Got a Friend” - Carol King

2. “Memories” - Elvis Presley 

3. “Big Yellow Taxi” - Joni Mitchell

4. “Let it Be” - Paul McCartney

5. “In My Daughter’s Eyes” - James T. Slater

6. “I Hope You Dance” - Tia Sillers & Mark Sanders

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