Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Lavender Love: Homemade Lavender Lemonade

Lavender Lemonade
It's lavender season! Here at Cupola Corner the dehydrator has been running almost nonstop this past week. The dried lavender is being stripped from the stalks in preparation for making potpourri. It's time for a break and an ice cold glass of refreshing homemade lavender lemonade. This recipe is based on my Homemade Lemonade recipe.

Homemade Lavender Lemonade

(Double Recipe in Italics)


3 lemons, or 1/2 cup lemon juice (6 lemons/1 cup lemon juice)
1/2 cup white sugar (1 cup)
1 teaspoon of dried culinary grade lavender flowers (2 teaspoons)*
3 cups water (6 cups)
 Lemon slices and fresh sprigs of lavender for garnish 


  1. In a sauce pan mix the sugar into 1 cup (2 cups) of the water. Heat until boiling and sugar has dissolved. 
  2. Pour the sugar and water syrup over the lavender and let steep for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the lavender syrup through a fine sieve or cheesecloth to remove the lavender. Don't worry if there's a few flowers left in the syrup. It makes a nice garnish.
  4. Chill the lavender syrup. 
  5. Juice the lemons to make 1/2 cup (1 cup) of juice. Roll the lemons on a hard surface before you cut into them and they will juice more easily. Skip this step if you are using lemon juice from a bottle. 
  6. In a pitcher, combine the chilled lavender syrup, the lemon juice and the remaining 2 cups (4 cups) of water. Chill and serve over ice. Garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of fresh lavender. Enjoy! 

Makes 3 1/2 cups (7 cups)

*During lavender season you can substitute fresh lavender flowers for dried.  Gently rinse the lavender before use. Use 1 tablespoon (2 tablespoons) of fresh lavender to make your Lavender Lemonade

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