Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Lemonade Stand: Homemade Lemonade 5¢

Homemade Lemonade
There's just something about homemade lemonade that sets it apart from frozen concentrate. Yes, you have to juice the lemons (or not!) and yes, it takes a little longer than opening a can. But, it tastes amazing! What better way to celebrate the upcoming first long weekend of summer than with a jug of ice cold homemade lemonade.

I have lots of great memories of selling lemonade with my sister at our make-shift lemonade stand. We never made a lot of money, but it was the beginning of the entrepreneurial spirit in both of us. Such fun!

My daugher set up a lemonade stand one summer day when she was quite young and sold lemonade to the thirsty tennis players in the park behind our house. Location, location, location.

My recipe makes 3 1/2 cups. Double the recipe (see italics) if you are expecting company. Little helpers can get involved with juicing the lemons, but keep those young ones away from the stove and the sugar syrup. I once got second degree burns from making homemade lemonade. The syrup got on me when I was pouring it from the saucepan. Yikes!

I hope that you enjoy your Homemade Lemonade. Please feel free to share this recipe with your friends and family.

Homemade Lemonade
(Double Recipe in Italics)


3 lemons, or 1/2 cup lemon juice (6 lemons/1 cup lemon juice)
1/2 cup white sugar (1 cup)
3 cups water (6 cups)
Lemon slices for garnish 


  1. In a sauce pan mix the sugar into 1 cup (2 cups) of the water. Heat until sugar has dissolved. Chill.
  1. Juice the lemons to make 1/2 cup (1 cup) of juice. Roll the lemons on a hard surface with the heel of your hand before you cut into them and they will juice more easily. Skip this step if you are using lemon juice from a bottle. Juice all of the lemons and adjust the amount of water if you have more juice than the amount listed.
  1. In a pitcher, combine the chilled sugar syrup, the lemon juice and the remaining 2 cups (4 cups) of water. Chill and serve over ice. Garnish with a slice of lemon. Enjoy! 

Makes 3 1/2 cups (7 cups)
Single Serving (1/2 cup): 58 calories; 14.5 g. carbohydrates; .1 g. dietary fibre

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