Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Floral Water: Lovely Lavender

Lovely Lavender Floral Water
I’ve always liked floral waters and have been intrigued by the idea of creating scented water from flowers. I recently gave it a try and it was astonishingly easy to do. I call my creation Lovely Lavender and, needless to say, I love it.

Lavender water has lots of uses. It’s great as a facial toner. It can be added to your clay face mask recipes. Put some of your lavender water into an atomizer and use it as a linen or room spray. Or give yourself a spritz to relieve sunburn pain, or just because it smells great and it will make you smell great, too.

Lovely Lavender floral water is made with witch hazel. You can find witch hazel in most pharmacies or health food stores. Witch hazel has many of its own amazing properties and uses. It is a natural antioxidant and anti inflammatory, and is used extensively in skin care products. Witch hazel also acts as a stabilizer and gives your floral water a longer shelf life.

I always think that it's a curious thing that when you steep lavender, the water is not purple like the flowers. The same thing happens when you make lavender jelly. It still smells wonderful, though, even if it's not lavender in color,

Lovely Lavender Floral Water
1 cup water
1/4 cup dried lavender flowers
2 tablespoons witch hazel
  1. Boil water and pour over the lavender flowers. Allow to steep 20 to 30 minutes. 
  2. Strain lavender water several times through cheesecloth to remove the lavender flowers.
  3. Put witch hazel into storage container and then pour in the warm lavender water. Cool, cap and store in refrigerator for up to six months. 
  4. Shake well before each use. 

Botanic Planet is a good source (Canadian) for botanicals.
If you’re just looking for lavender, check out Weir’s Lane Lavender and Apiary.

You can learn more about lavender by reading this post: Lavender Love 

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Lavender from Garden