Monday, June 01, 2020

Hello, how are you?

Hello, how are you?

If you think that I'm channeling Adele, you might just be right.

Although, I haven't forgotten what it felt like before the world fell at our feet.

I'm sure that none of us has.

It's a new world. We are learning to live in new ways and we are coming to understand that we can't go back. That's kind of scary, isn't it?

They are calling it the "new normal". When you think about it, that's almost an oxymoron.

I am missing lots of things about the "old normal". Like just about everyone, I sometimes think about the things that will probably not be a part of my life anymore and wonder what "new normal" things will take their place. No one knows. We collectively face uncertainty and we are all dealing with that in different ways.

I don't have any grand ideas about the future or even about the present. You can find lots of those ideas in lots of places. The world that I live in is now much smaller than it used to be. I have always understood that although big ideas are important, small things can make a big difference. I am trying to do more of those small things for myself and for others, and it helps.

I hope that as you make your way into this new world, you will find ways to find peace for yourself and for the world. Start small and see where it takes you.

One foot in front of the other.

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