Friday, February 02, 2018

Winter Day Wonder: Simmering Citrus Potpourri

Ingredients for Simmering Citrus Potpourri
Doors closed. Windows closed. We don’t normally batten down the hatches or board up the windows when winter arrives, but we do our best to ensure that the cold stays outside. When winter weather keeps us indoors, we end up living in an environment with minimal air exchange. The air that we breathe can get stale and sometimes even stinky. It’s time to give the air in your house a fresh new smell!

Citrus is my scent of choice for a winter air freshener. It smells clean, lifts the spirits and just smells happy. A simmering potpourri is the perfect solution for stale winter air. Mix up the ingredients, simmer throughout the day and enjoy the lovely fragrance. I use a small crock pot, but a pot on the back of the stove will work nicely. If you are using a pot on the stove, you will need to add water throughout the day.

Give my recipe a try, or mix up something with your own favorite scents.

Simmering Citrus Potpourri:

Mix the ingredients in a small crock pot. Heat on high until simmering and then turn down heat to low for the rest of the day.

  • 1 small or medium orange, sliced
  • 1 or 2 lemons, sliced
  • 1 tablespoon dried peppermint leaves or sprig of fresh peppermint or few drops of peppermint extract, or combination thereof
  • cinnamon stick, optional
  • 2 cups of water

Enjoy your own winter day wonder today!

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Ingredients for Simmering Citrus Potpourri Ingredients for Simmering Citrus Potpourri