Saturday, February 02, 2019

“Big Yellow Taxi”

“Big Yellow Taxi” was written and originally performed by Joni Mitchell. More recently, Counting Crows included this classic and on their Hard Candy album, and it was certified Gold for the first time. While it has long been considered a call to promote environmental concerns, there are other messages, as well.

This is my third Six for Six blog post. Six songs. Six months.

Making plans for the future was the original intent of this priority. Taking care of details. Tidying up loose ends. Taking care of business, so to speak.

How’s that working out for you? Procrastination is such an easy and often comfortable road trip.

The bottom line is that if I don’t plan for my own future, someone else will make those decisions for me. I have a will. I have financial and health/personal powers of attorney. I have talked with the people to whom I have trusted the making of important decisions in my future should I be unable. But what other jobs could befall them because I have not planned well?

“Big Yellow Taxi” talks about the fact that we often don’t appreciate our environment until it’s too late. Another species becomes extinct. Another town has no clean drinking water. We shouldn’t take the earth for granted. We should be planning for it’s future and it’s survival.

We should also not take the people in our lives for granted, and we should plan for our future in a way that makes it easier for us and for them.

I think that it is important to live in the moment and to be conscious of the here and now, but it can’t be an excuse. It’s important to not be short-sighted.

Planning is important...for the environment and for ourselves.

“Don’t it always seem to go,
That you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone.”

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